Monday, October 31, 2011

Diamond in the Rough

Well -- it's official -- it's 00.02 hrs on Nov. 1, 2011, I'm 50 yrs old sitting here in South Africa, and I've just started my first blog.  Welcome to my world.

I've never done anything like this before -- not sure what to say.  Do I start at the beginning, or just jump in from where I'm at and go off on random, exciting tangents?  I just don't know -- but I know I have to do something because ever since I was a kid, I've been told I should be a writer.  And now that I'm older and have some eclectic "sea stories" to tell about life, and my perspective on things, people the world over have been pestering me to put it to "print".  Well, these days, I guess you put it to blogs or vlogs.  And so at 50, I take my first baby steps into blogdom.

I hope you enjoy the story, and the many faces of "me".  Stay tuned .. I'm still just a diamond in the rough.


  1. Well you're off to a nice start :D
    I'm looking forward to reading your thoughts.

  2. im interest with your blog..i have many question i wish one day i meet with you and asking you what i have inside of my heart...cause its not easy specially when you were born in pastor family ....... its hard but i hope one day i can have time to meet with you....tks

  3. Joseph -- Thank you so much for your kind words. First, I want you to know I have met many gay people in my life that come from religious homes, and even have parents that are pastors or leaders in their church. YOU ARE NOT ALONE.

    If you'd like to write me directly with your questions and concerns, write me at: or visit my YouTube Channel and leave messages there:
